8:15 AM Registration/Check-in
9:00 AM Opening Remarks
Sangeeta Bhatia, MD, PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
9:10 AM It’s Time to Eliminate Hepatitis C in the US
Francis Collins, MD, PhD – National Institutes of Health (VIRTUAL)
9:35 AM Post-transplant Alloimmune Hepatitis: What Do We Know and What’s New
Udeme Ekong, MD, MPH, FAASLD – Georgetown University
10:00 AM Trainee Microtalks – selected from submitted abstracts
10:15 AM BREAK
Coffee + Refreshments
10:30 AM Detecting Liver Phenotypes and Toxicity Using Cell Image Data
Anne Carpenter, PhD – Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
10:55 AM Spatial Clonal Tracing in Solid Tissues
Fernando Camargo, PhD – Boston Children’s Hospital
11:20 AM Holistic Multi-scale Molecular Imaging of Human Organs
Kwanghun Chung, PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:45 AM Trainee Microtalks – selected from submitted abstracts
12:00 PM LUNCH + Poster Competition
1:30 PM Cell Identity Conversion: Liver Regeneration and Cell Therapy
Lijian Hui, PhD – Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
1:55 PM Developing Cirrhosis Therapies: The Three Grand Challenges
Quin Wills, MD, PhD – OchreBio
2:20 PM Pediatric Liver Tumors: Clinical Context and Opportunities for Collaboration
Allison O’Neill, MD – Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Coffee + Cookie Trays
3:10 PM Understanding How the Organism Monitors Liver Sufficiency to Properly Time Regeneration
Kristin Knouse, MD, PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3:35 PM Cellular and molecular drivers of Liver cancer response to immunotherapy
Miriam Merad, MD, PhD – Mt Sinai School of Medicine (VIRTUAL)
4:00 PM Closing Remarks & Poster Prizes
Irwin M. Arias, MD (Founder) – National Institutes of Health
Wolfram Goessling, MD, PhD – Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital
Lorraine Stiehl, CEO – American Liver Foundation
4:15 PM Wine & Cheese Reception
5:30 PM Event Concludes
Join this one-day virtual event to hear from leading biomedical scientists and physicians as they present critical research bridging basic science and liver disease.
Plenary speakers include:

Adjoa Anyane-Yeboa, MD MPH
Institution: Division of Gastroenterology Department of Medicine Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard Medical School

Lew Cantley, PhD
Institution: Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Presentation Title: Altered liver metabolism confounds the effectiveness of PI3K inhibitors for treating breast and endometrial cancers

Hans Clevers, PhD
Institution: Roche/Hubrecht Institute
Presentation Title: Organoids to model human diseases

Nikla Emambokus, PhD
Institution: Editor-in-Chief, Med; Executive Editor Med, Cell Metabolism

Heather Francis, PhD
Institution: Indiana University
Presentation Title: Regulation of Chronic Liver Disease and Cholangiopathies by Mast Cells

Stacey Huppert, PhD
Institution: Cincinnati Children’s
Presentation Title: Hepatic Epithelial Development and Plasticity- Identity and Commitment

Sonja Schrepfer, MD, PhD
Institution: Cincinnati Children’s
Presentation Title: Protecting transplanted cells from immune rejection is the key to unlocking the potential of regenerative medicine

Bao-Liang Song, PhD
Institution: Wuhan University
Presentation Title: Inhibition of ASGRI decreases lipid levels by promoting cholesterol excretion

Elizabeth K Speliotes MD, PhD, MPH
Institution: University of Michigan
Presentation Title: Genetic Subtyping of NAFLD

Joseph Takahashi, PhD
Institution: UT Southwestern
Presentation Title: Circadian clocks and their importance for metabolism, aging and longevity

Giovanni Traverso, MD, PhD
Institution: MIT, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Presentation Title: Explant liver model for drug development

Aubrey Weigel, PhD
Institution: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Presentation Title: Towards Automatic Segmentation of Organelles in vEM

Hao Zhu, MD, PhD
Institution: UT Southwestern
Presentation Title: Clone Wars: Evolution of Adaptation and Malignancy in the liver
Hosted by:
- Sangeeta Bhatia, MD, PhD – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Wolfram Goessling, MD, PhD – Massachusetts General Hospital